Apple phones are renowned for their quality and reliability. However, with them, as with any other high-tech equipment, there are problems. In particular, sometimes colored spots of various shades appear on the screens of iPhones , in which white, red, yellow, blue, purple colors may prevail. The spots can be irregular, streaky or streaky (both horizontal and vertical).
If spots appear on the iPhone screen , then you should not expect them to disappear by themselves. Also, do not try to fix anything on your own, because without knowing the cause of the defect, without experience, special diagnostic equipment and software, you can only aggravate the problem. There can be only two options.
If the iPhone was bought recently, is under warranty, and the defect came to light almost immediately after purchase, then most likely it is a factory defect. In this case, you can contact the seller with a request to replace the device. In all other cases, you can contact our M-FIX service center, where our technicians will diagnose, determine the causes of stains on the iPhone display and eliminate the malfunction. 💡Find out IOS update error: what to do and how to fix it.
Why do colored spots appear on the iPhone screen?
Here are the most common causes of stains on iPhones:
- water (or any other liquid) getting inside the phone case;
- mechanical damage to the apparatus;
- internal loads (for example, when the battery is swollen);
- software crashes;
- strong overheating of the phone.
It is worth noting that when a liquid enters the device, the consequences may not appear immediately, but only after a while - here much depends on the amount of liquid that has got inside, which leads to oxidation of the contacts of the display loop. Therefore, the oxidation process can take quite a long time and the results can be different - from the appearance of colored spots on the phone display to its complete failure.
Mechanical damage to the phone as a result of falling from a height, impact or strong squeezing can have the same consequences. The only reason in this case is the appearance of cracks that destroy the crystal structure of the screen. By the way, it should be borne in mind that even small microcracks on the display tend to increase in size over time.
Prolonged exposure of the iPhone to heat, near a heating battery or overheating for any other reason can lead to a change in the properties of the adhesive used by the manufacturer to connect the layers of the display module. In this case, the display will have to be completely replaced, in some cases it may also be necessary to replace the temperature sensor.
As for software failures that lead to the appearance of light colored spots, you need to reflash your iPhone. Of course, most experienced users can do this on their own. However, it should be borne in mind that any interruption or failure in the process of flashing an Apple phone (for example, due to power surges) can completely disable the device.
Therefore, flashing the iPhone only needs to be done using an uninterruptible power supply. And in order to exclude any possible problems, it is better to entrust this to the employees of the iPhone Mobile Repair Delhi.
Advice from experienced iPhone Mobile Repair Delhi
Suppose even quiet spots appear on the phone screen. In that case, even a small amount of water gets in, or a small crack appears, the battery swells, as well as any other possible problems with the Apple phone, it is better not to delay the question, but immediately contact the service center, where there is all the necessary diagnostic equipment, software, professional repair equipment and tools, high-quality spare parts - after all, this will avoid in the future more significant expenses for iPhone Mobile Repair Delhi.
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